Admin API (beta)

Admin API

Admin API helps you to manage your projects and data sources programmatically. The @unbody-io/admin-api package provides a TypeScript client for interacting with the Unbody Admin API.


To install the package, use npm or yarn:

# using npm
npm install @unbody-io/admin-api
# using yarn
yarn add @unbody-io/admin-api


To authenticate with the Unbody Admin API, you need an admin key, which can be generated from Unbody's dashboard under Settings > Admin Keys.

The UnbodyAdminAPI class supports three methods for authentication:

  • Base64 encoded adminKey
  • Username and password (admin key ID and secret)
  • Access token (Bearer token)


import { UnbodyAdminAPI } from '@unbody-io/admin-api'
const admin = new UnbodyAdminAPI({
  auth: {
    // Auth with base64 encoded admin key
    adminKey: 'Basic ...',
    // or Username & Password
    username: 'admin-key-id',
    password: 'admin-key-secret',
    // or Access Token
    accessToken: 'Bearer ...',

Example Usage

To create a new project:

const { data } = await admin.projects.create({
  body: {
    name: 'My New Project',
    settings: {
      textVectorizer: {
        name: 'text2vec-contextionary',

To list projects with filters:

await admin.projects.list({
  filter: {
    state: {
      $in: ['initialized', 'created'],
    name: {
      $like: '%something%',

List of Endpoints

Below is a list of endpoints available for interacting with Unbody entities such as projects, API keys, sources, and webhooks.


List Projects

const response = await admin.projects.list({
  filter: {
    name: {
      $like: '%example%',
  limit: 10,
  offset: 0,
  • Method: GET
  • Path: /projects
  • Filterable Fields: Reference
  • Pagination Parameters: limit, offset, sort

Create Project

const response = await admin.projects.create({
  body: {
    name: 'New Project Name',
    settings: {
      textVectorizer: {
        name: 'text2vec-contextionary',
  • Method: POST
  • Path: /projects

For more details on configuring project settings, see the Project Settings Reference.

Update Project

const response = await admin.projects.patch({
  projectId: 'your-project-id',
  body: {
    name: 'Updated Project Name',
  • Method: PATCH
  • Path: /projects/{projectId}

Delete Project

await admin.projects.delete({
  projectId: 'your-project-id',
console.log('Project deleted successfully')
  • Method: DELETE
  • Path: /projects/{projectId}

Restore Project

const response = await admin.projects.restore({
  projectId: 'your-project-id',
  • Method: POST
  • Path: /projects/{projectId}/restore

API Keys

Create Admin API Key

const response = await admin.apiKeys.create({
  body: {
    name: 'New Admin API Key',
    expiresAfter: '2024-12-31',
  • Method: POST
  • Path: /api-keys

Delete Admin API Key

await admin.apiKeys.delete({
  id: 'api-key-id',
console.log('Admin API Key deleted successfully')
  • Method: DELETE
  • Path: /api-keys/{id}

Project API Keys

Create Project API Key

const { data } = await admin.projects.createApiKey({
  projectId: 'your-project-id',
  body: {
    name: 'New Project API Key',
console.log('Secret: ',
  • Method: POST
  • Path: /projects/{projectId}/api-keys

Delete Project API Key

await admin.projects.deleteApiKey({
  projectId: 'your-project-id',
  id: 'api-key-id',
  • Method: DELETE
  • Path: /projects/{projectId}/api-keys

Project Webhooks

List Project Webhooks

const response = await admin.projects.listWebhooks({
  projectId: 'your-project-id',
  • Method: GET
  • Path: /projects/{projectId}/webhooks
  • Filterable Fields: Reference

Create Project Webhook

const response = await admin.projects.createWebhook({
  projectId: 'your-project-id',
  body: {
    url: '',
  • Method: POST
  • Path: /projects/{projectId}/webhooks

Delete Project Webhook

await admin.projects.deleteWebhook({
  projectId: 'your-project-id',
  webhookId: 'webhook-id',
console.log('Webhook deleted successfully')
  • Method: DELETE
  • Path: /projects/{projectId}/webhooks/{webhookId}

Project Sources

List Project Sources

const response = await admin.projects.listSources({
  projectId: 'your-project-id',
  • Method: GET
  • Path: /projects/{projectId}/sources
  • Filterable Fields: Reference

Create Source

const response = await admin.projects.createSource({
  projectId: 'your-project-id',
  body: {
    name: 'New Source',
    provider: 'github_issues',
  • Method: POST
  • Path: /projects/{projectId}/sources

Update Source

const response = await admin.projects.patchSource({
  projectId: 'your-project-id',
  sourceId: 'source-id',
  body: {
    name: 'Updated Source Name',
  • Method: PATCH
  • Path: /projects/{projectId}/sources/{sourceId}

Delete Source

await admin.projects.deleteSource({
  projectId: 'your-project-id',
  sourceId: 'source-id',
  • Method: DELETE
  • Path: /projects/{projectId}/sources/{sourceId}

Source Indexing

Initialize Source

await admin.projects.initializeSource({
  projectId: 'your-project-id',
  sourceId: 'source-id',
  • Method: POST
  • Path: /projects/{projectId}/sources/{sourceId}/indexing/initialize

Trigger Manual Update

await admin.projects.updateSource({
  projectId: 'your-project-id',
  sourceId: 'source-id',
  • Method: POST
  • Path: /projects/{projectId}/sources/{sourceId}/indexing/update

Rebuild Source

await admin.projects.rebuildSource({
  projectId: 'your-project-id',
  sourceId: 'source-id',
  • Method: POST
  • Path: /projects/{projectId}/sources/{sourceId}/indexing/rebuild

Filterable Fields

Project Filterable Fields

FieldTypeFilter Operators
namestringString Filter Operators
stateenumEnum Filter Operators;
pausedAtDateDate Filter Operators
restoredAtDateDate Filter Operators
createdAtDateDate Filter Operators
updatedAtDateDate Filter Operators

Project State Possible Values

  • created
  • initializing
  • initialized
  • paused
  • pausing
  • restoring

Source Filterable Fields

FieldTypeFilter Operators
namestringString Filter Operators
initializedbooleanBoolean Filter Operators
stateenumEnum Filter Operators
typeenumEnum Filter Operators
pausedAtDateDate Filter Operators
restoredAtDateDate Filter Operators
createdAtDateDate Filter Operators
updatedAtDateDate Filter Operators

Source State Possible Values

  • initializing
  • updating
  • deleting
  • paused
  • idle

Source Type Possible Values

  • google_drive
  • google_calendar
  • discord
  • github_branch
  • github_issues
  • push_api

Webhook Filterable Fields

FieldTypeFilter Operators
createdAtDateDate Filter Operators

Filter Operators

String and Enum Filter Operators

  • $eq, $ne, $in, $nin, $null, $like

Number Filter Operators

  • $eq, $ne, $gt, $lt, $gte, $lte, $null

Boolean Filter Operators

  • $eq, $ne, $null

Date Filter Operators

  • $gt, $gte, $lt, $lte, $null

Project Settings Reference

Project Settings Fields

  • textVectorizer

  • Defines the text vectorization model used for representing text as vectors, which is essential for search operations.

  • name: string - Possible values:

  • text2vec-contextionary

  • text2vec-transformers

  • text2vec-openai-ada-002

  • text2vec-openai-text-embedding-3-large

  • text2vec-openai-text-embedding-small

  • text2vec-cohere-multilingual-v3.0

  • text2vec-cohere-multilingual-light-v3.0

  • text2vec-cohere-english-v3.0

  • text2vec-cohere-english-light-v3.0

  • text2vec-cohere-english-v2.0

  • text2vec-cohere-english-light-v2.0

  • imageVectorizer

  • Sets the model used for representing images as vectors.

  • name: string - Possible value:

  • img2vec-neural

  • qnaProvider

  • Defines the provider used for Q&A capabilities within the project.

  • name: string - Possible values:

  • qna-transformers

  • qna-openai-gpt-3.5-turbo-instruct

  • generativeSearch

  • name: string - Possible value:

  • generative-unbody

  • options

  • model: string - Possible values:

  • gpt-3.5-turbo

  • gpt-4

  • gpt-4-turbo

  • gpt-4o

  • gpt-4o-mini

  • command

  • command-light

  • command-r

  • command-r-plus

  • open-mistral-7b

  • open-mixtral-8x7b

  • reranker

  • Specifies the reranking model used to prioritize search results.

  • name: string - Possible values:

  • reranker-transformers

  • reranker-cohere-multilingual-v3.0

  • reranker-cohere-multilingual-v2.0

  • reranker-cohere-english-v3.0

  • reranker-cohere-english-v2.0

  • spellcheck

  • Configures the spellcheck functionality.

  • name: string - Possible value:

  • text-spellcheck

  • autoSummary

  • Automatically generates summaries for text content.

  • name: string - Possible values:

  • autosum-openai-gpt-3.5-turbo

  • autosum-openai-gpt-4o

  • autosum-openai-gpt-4o-mini

  • autosum-cohere-command-r

  • autoKeywords

  • Extracts keywords from text automatically.

  • name: string - Possible values:

  • autokeywords-openai-gpt-3.5-turbo

  • autokeywords-openai-gpt-4o

  • autokeywords-openai-gpt-4o-mini

  • autoEntities

  • Automatically identifies and extracts entities from text.

  • name: string - Possible values:

  • autoentities-openai-gpt-3.5-turbo

  • autoentities-openai-gpt-4o

  • autoentities-openai-gpt-4o-mini

  • autoTopics

  • Automatically generates topics from the content.

  • name: string - Possible values:

  • autotopics-openai-gpt-3.5-turbo

  • autotopics-openai-gpt-4o

  • autotopics-openai-gpt-4o-mini

  • autoVision

  • Generates captions, labels, and extracts texts from image files.

  • name: string - Possible values:

  • autovision-openai-gpt-4o

  • autovision-openai-gpt-4o-mini

  • autovision-openai-gpt-4-turbo

  • customSchema

  • Allows defining custom data schemas for projects.

  • name: string - Possible value: customSchema

  • options

  • collections: An array of collection definitions, each with the following fields:

  • name: string - The name of the collection in PascalCase format with the suffix Collection (e.g., CustomCollection).

  • fields: An array of field definitions, each including:

  • name: string - Field name in camelCase format.

  • array: boolean - Indicates whether the field is an array.

  • description: string - (Optional) Description of the field.

  • type - Possible types: int, number, text, uuid, date, boolean, object, phoneNumber, geoCoordinates, cref.

  • Additional Field Configurations:

  • text field:

  • Can have additional properties:

  • skipTokenization: boolean - If true, the field will not be tokenized.

  • tokenization: enum - Defines the tokenization strategy for the field. Possible values are word, field, lowercase, and whitespace.

  • phoneNumber field:

  • Input/Output Schema:

  "input": "020 1234567",                       // Required. Raw input in string format
  "defaultCountry": "nl",                       // Required if only a national number is provided, ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. Only set if explicitly set by the user.
  "internationalFormatted": "+31 20 1234567",   // Read-only string
  "countryCode": 31,                            // Read-only unsigned integer, numerical country code
  "national": 201234567,                        // Read-only unsigned integer, numerical representation of the national number
  "nationalFormatted": "020 1234567",           // Read-only string
  "valid": true                                 // Read-only boolean. Whether the parser recognized the phone number as valid
  • geoCoordinates field:
  • Input/Output Schema:
  "latitude": 52.366667,
  "longitude": 4.9
  • object field:
  • Must have a fields field, which is an array of field definitions. Possible types within the object are: int, number, text, date, boolean, uuid.
  • Note: Currently, objects are not vectorized, and filter operators are not supported.
  • cref field:
  • Must have a refs array where each reference includes:
  • collection: string - The collection name being referenced.
  • field: string - The foreign collection's field being referenced.
  • Available Built-in Collections for cref include:
  • ImageBlock's document field
  • AudioFile's document field
  • VideoFile's document field

Example Configuration

Here’s an example of configuring project settings with various options:

  "textVectorizer": {
    "name": "text2vec-openai-text-embedding-3-small"
  "spellcheck": {
    "name": "text-spellcheck"
  "reranker": {
    "name": "reranker-cohere-multilingual-v3.0"
  "autoTopics": {
    "name": "autotopics-openai-gpt-4o"
  "autoVision": {
    "name": "autovision-openai-gpt-4o"
  "autoSummary": {
    "name": "autosum-openai-gpt-4o"
  "qnaProvider": {
    "name": "qna-openai-gpt-3.5-turbo-instruct"
  "autoEntities": {
    "name": "autoentities-openai-gpt-4o"
  "autoKeywords": {
    "name": "autokeywords-openai-gpt-4o"
  "generativeSearch": {
    "name": "generative-unbody",
    "options": {
      "model": "gpt-4o"
  "customSchema": {
    "name": "customSchema",
    "options": {
      "collections": [
          "name": "ProfileCollection",
          "fields": [
              "name": "name",
              "type": "text"
              "name": "firstName",
              "type": "text"
              "name": "lastName",
              "type": "text"
              "name": "photos",
              "type": "cref",
              "refs": [
                  "collection": "ImageBlock",
                  "field": "document"
              "name": "videos",
              "type": "cref",
              "refs": [
                  "collection": "VideoFile",
                  "field": "document"
              "name": "emailAddress",
              "type": "text",
              "tokenization": "field"
              "name": "phoneNumber",
              "type": "phoneNumber"
              "name": "address",
              "type": "object",
              "fields": [
                  "name": "street",
                  "type": "text"
                  "name": "city",
                  "type": "text"
                  "name": "state",
                  "type": "text"
                  "name": "zip",
                  "type": "text"
                  "name": "country",
                  "type": "text"
              "name": "addressCoordinates",
              "type": "geoCoordinates"